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strooby D

strooby D

Member Since 30 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Private

WTB: stuff to get my GSR licenced

28 May 2014 - 03:06 AM

hi guys, just throwing it out there as i'm chasing some bits to try & get my lancer registered, it currently has a HKS rock-catcher and HKS ssqv blow off vlave, i'm guessing these 2 things would be the first things they'd pick to fail it, so i'm starting this thread to just see if anyone has these bits laying around (will update with other wanted bits as they come to light)



so yeah, currently chasing:


factory cc gsr lancer airbox & the ducting that goes to the turbo (prefer not working afm)


also chasing:

exhaust manifold heatshield

dash cluster plastic (the clear front panel)

hks plumb back arttachment for the ssqv






new member intro.. Evo 3 GSR reshell

13 March 2014 - 01:16 AM

Hi, my names chris, often called strooby by mates because of my over extended german surname


i've been playing with cars most of my life, more recently japanese ones


my evo story started when one day i was in my garage working on my R32 GTR ...  my neighbour came asking me if i wanted a car....


long story short, i ended up with this aus delivered 94 lancer thats had pretty much a full evo 3 swap


previous owner didn't know too much about the build of the car, its got an autronic ecu with all the fruit (rotational idle, launch control, map delete) if anyone knows any history on the car it i"d love to know, revs check tells me it was an economic write off back in sept 2003, original car colour was white, was licenced up until feb 2013 plate: 1BMJ372


car was in a pretty sad state when i got hold of it (was stolen) but its slowly coming together now


looking forward to meeting you all & bringing it out on a cruise or something once i get it relicenced


some pics:




