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Member Since 28 Aug 2006
Offline Last Active Jun 11 2018 10:53 PM


27 September 2017 - 10:24 PM


I am selling my spare Aldo built RVR auto.

The box was Built to Aldo specs, I had the oil pump fail due to a faulty billet converter clearance,so we pulled it apart

and replaced the pump.


It has been completely stripped down to the bare case, I had the case wet blasted.A new gasket set was ordered  

All new gaskets through out, locked 50/50 front to rear, it has the 4.2 diff ratio in the front(open) so it will suit a 3.9 rear diff

awesome short ratios for acceleration. Re stalled converter, transfer case, transmission oil cooler set up,

shift box for either buttons or paddle shifting, factory auto shifter and cable. $5500 all up 

If you aer looking for a trouble free transmission, this is it, Same auto that is in my Jumbuck 30 10 sec passes on 19psi and counting

This is everything you need, just stick it in :)

07 3266 2333

plug in vipec(link)

26 September 2017 - 11:01 AM

I am selling my plug in vipec ecu(link) out of my evo 3 $1000 takes itevo1-3a.jpg#

FWD Manual Gearbox F5M22 etc

07 September 2017 - 07:25 AM

As the Title says 

Chasing a FWD manual box