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Mr Gears

Mr Gears

Member Since 29 Aug 2006
Offline Last Active Oct 25 2017 07:03 AM

In Topic: Rear crossmember removal

09 July 2016 - 04:40 PM

Its 2016 and Polyurethane still remains as a cheap and easy way to fill a hole. If the stuff was any good OEM manufacturers would be all into it. I however, don't really care. Just don't come braggin about superpoo this and that, cause I will just laugh at you.  

In Topic: WTB front diff to suit an Auto.

07 July 2016 - 12:14 PM

Its the jack-shaft that is going to be the problem. The Magna one might not fit your block and the Eclipse one might not have the right offset for FWD Auto.

In Topic: evo 789 tps

07 July 2016 - 12:00 PM

Same 4 position plug. You just only need to use 3 of the wires.




I can hook you up if you need it


In Topic: Could someone please put this VIN into CAPS/ASA

07 July 2016 - 06:49 AM

CAPS should be able to tell me the colour, drivetrain info and any options that were installed before it left the factory though right? I tried using that Russian site with translator on but no info came up. Maybe i'll try it with explorer instead of firefox in case it's a browser issue.

Colour is scotia white (W83B) and it was built with a 6 speed manual. Options are (OYR), whatever that means and interior spec is (32X) whatever that means. Your code SJGF2 should read SJGFZ with the Z meaning AWD.

In Topic: WTB front diff to suit an Auto.

07 July 2016 - 05:38 AM

FWD Driveshafts will need to handle double the torque compared to the AWD. It makes sense that they need to be bigger.