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Member Since 25 Feb 2014
Offline Last Active Aug 27 2015 04:10 AM

#300556 Overdue Intro

Posted by cal198 on 21 May 2014 - 03:47 AM

Hey guys. A very belated introduction. My name is Callan from Sutherland, Sydney. I own a 92 CC GSR with a 7 bolt 2.3 stroked evo engine. A few bits and pieces here and there with a good sized fuel system got me to 300kw atw. I'm a mechanic by trade but working in sales. When I get back into the workshop I'll be happy to help other owners with work. I'll be able to offer wheel alignments too for those who like to set up for racing etc. More on that when I start the new job.

Anyway here she is
2014-05-21 13.06.52.png 2014-05-21 13.08.00.png IMG_442555122824731.jpeg