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Member Since 25 Feb 2014
Offline Last Active Aug 27 2015 04:10 AM

Speed sensor = Limp Mode?

04 March 2015 - 05:24 AM

Hey guys, i'm chasing a speed sensor issue. Since i've changed my gearbox from GSR to Evo3 my speedo is now reading incorrectly, as expected. What I didn't expect was that it would also throw a Speedo sensor (I didn't even know they had speed sensors until I looked) and secondly, that said speed sensor would throw the computer into factory limp mode (I'm assuming...?)


Is this correct that this speed sensor is throwing the ECU into limp mode or am I chasing another dead end?

Evo 1-3 or GSR diagnostic pinout

11 February 2015 - 10:06 AM

Just curious if anybody has a diagram of the diagnostic port on early Evo's. Or also if anyone knows through an engine conversion from 1.8t to 2.0t if such wiring would be changed or modified in the swapping of engines.

To explain, I'm trying to get the PDA cable from meek and run the MMCD software to diagnose. I have a Mitsubishi adaptor plug at work which does fit but doesn't react at all (doesn't even show power through it's current arrangement). So I was contemplating the possibility that the plug was inactive or wired incorrectly.

ECU removal

01 October 2014 - 02:21 AM

Hey guys, I've had a quick look through the forums for this but haven't found anything as yet. I hate going into jobs Blind so I thought I'd ask. Steps to access the ecu for removal. I'm guessing the blower assembly needs to be removed. Anything further from there would be great!

Also a side question. I'm assuming the only way to reflash an Evo 1-3 ecu is by ecm link? Is this true?

Turbo Ideas

13 August 2014 - 12:03 PM

Starting to get deeper in a build idea and knowing a few pieces of vital information is going to determine my turbo choice.


I haven't been able to find much comparative information between GT series turbos from the likes of Garrett or HKS, etc. And our TD05 and TD06 turbos. To cut to the chase, I would like to keep the original housing style and manifold for a semi-stock appearance.


One option I've been thinking of doing, but will end up quite costly but please bear with me. I hate the idea of ebay turbos but i was looking at a Kingugawa TD06sl2 25g, mainly because it seems to be the largest factory fitting turbo available. What I would then do is send it away to a company in QLD who's name I cannot remember right now that deal with "Billet Turbochargers". I have been quoted $800.00 for a billet turbochargers dual ball bearing cartridge in place of the kinugawa's. As far as I'm aware, that would equate to a fairly gnarly turbo.


Or I could go the tried and tested way of a GTX3076R or something.


Size compared to the GT series, how big is a TD06sl2 25G?

CC GSR Driveline

12 August 2014 - 10:19 AM

Hey guys. Recently I've completed an evo3 driveline swap on my gsr. Due to the gearbox failing. So the old stuff is up for grabs. Now obviously the gearbox is not in the best shape. From inspecting at work (as a mechanic) it's definitely coming from the front diff. Before it went completely, the synchros weren't in the best shape but still functional. If anyone is interested, I also have receipts on a full rebuild by Meek Automotive just 14 months ago, please PM your offers.

Also on a lighter note, the transfer and rear diff are both fully functional and strong as ever. I've been told the rear diff apparently has a Ralliart center in it. If anybody is interested, I will open it up and confirm with images and numbers. PM all offers please and thank you :)