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Member Since 09 Mar 2014
Offline Last Active Feb 22 2018 11:09 PM

4g15 experiment :P

28 March 2014 - 12:34 AM

Sooo, I own a 95 cc with a 4g15 carb in it and seeing as its my daily not really planing to do much work or spend much on it. After some research and help from the lads on here I've ruled out an awd conversion for now. But I've made up my mind to have some fun and do a turbo conversion for shits and gigs lol. Will be doing all the work myself. Going to keep cost under a grand and will be using my stock t28 off zee s14. The fun part is I'll be keeping the carb and only supporting mod will be a really lumpy cam while still retaining factory springs/latches. So yeah....

One thing I'd really like to know is, has anyone on here got no brain like me and put a turbo on a 4g15 with a carb? Also any insults more than welcome lol.

Should probably point out that I'm not after a lot of power. Just want to have fun, do something different while entertaining you guys. As long as the car remains reliable and I'm not spending a lot on it, I'm happy to do all sorts of mods in my free time.


09 March 2014 - 02:21 AM

Hi guys, names John just bought a 1995 CC Gl. It was advertised as an executive and with the 4g93. Me being new to lancers just went with the flow and bought it. Latter found out it was the 4g15. Not to worried as it's just going to be a daily but still a little cut up about it lol. Anyway you will probably see me around on here asking really stupid questions as i've really got no experience with lancers what so ever. So I'm likely to get names of engines/bodies wrong all the time.


Currently own an s14 hence the topic title :P she's my pride and joy and also the cause of all my sorrow. bought it second had done some work to it, blew the engine twice -_- first time was due to oil leak which killed the bottom end, but the engine had done quite a few k's so was time anyway. second time was due to me being an idiot and winding up the boost with way to much advance on the timing. still not sure what's cooked but i know there is 25 psi compression on 2nd cylinder hehe... 


So yeah got my little daily looking to keep it as stock looking as possible, nice respectable car and once the s14 is finished looking forward to some tasteful little mods. Kind of have 2 plans. One is to keep the carbbie 1.5 stick a cam with around 280 duration and stock lift and see how it reacts. if she's happy to run I'll keep the engine restore the carb, rebuild the engine with maybe a little higher compression, get an exhaust system but want it to look stock and be quite so nothing fancy and no cannons, and yeah see how she runs. Other option would be engine swap which from what i've read is pretty easy with these things, and also heard heads are interchangeable so might even convert to efi even though i love the carb set up lol. Not after a lot of power just something simple and zippy to get through traffic but at same time reasonably fun to take to the hills, like i said got the s14 for big power and lots of fun. This just needs to be reliable, easy to work on and clean/stock looking. Ohh and needs coil overs. body roll on this thing is amazing! never seen a FWD understeer so much in my life. 


ANNNNNYYYWAYS happy to be here and going to try and learn as much as i can from reading about all sorts of things from you guys!!! Also if you ever see me say something wrong just correct me i wont take it to heart and would rather learn by being corrected than making mistakes and wrecking something on the car. 


Thanks guys and see you around :)