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Member Since 09 Mar 2014
Offline Last Active Apr 01 2016 04:49 AM

Koni Struts with King Springs & COP suit Evo 4g63

21 February 2015 - 12:12 AM

Item: Koni front struts with King springs and Koni adjustable rear struts with king springs

Description: Suit GSR EVO 1-3

Price: $300


Item: Coil over plug setup using 300c hemi coils

Description: EVO 1-3 4g63

Price: $150


Location: Brisbane

Contact: 0421435215

Will post at buyers expense

Koni Struts with King Springs & COP suit Evo 4g63

20 February 2015 - 11:18 PM

Item: Koni front struts with King springs and Koni adjustable rear struts with king springs


Description: Suit GSR EVO 1-3


Price: $450ono





Item: Coil over plug setup using 300c hemi coils


Description: EVO 1-3 4g63


Price: $200




Location: Brisbane


Contact: 0421435215


Will post at buyers expense

Koni Struts with King Springs & COP suit Evo 4g63

20 February 2015 - 11:15 PM

Item: Koni front struts with King springs and Koni adjustable rear struts with king springs


Description: Suit GSR EVO 1-3


Price: $450ono





Item: Coil over plug setup using 300c hemi coils


Description: EVO 1-3 4g63


Price: $200




Location: Brisbane


Contact: 0421435215


Will post at buyers expense