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Member Since 07 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 04 2018 11:45 PM

WTB: E2-3 Rear Fog Bulb Holder, Plug

04 May 2016 - 03:22 PM

Hello all,


wondering if anyone has a Rear Foglamp bulb socket and plug from an E2-3 (also same as a proton wira, unsure of other models)



[TAS] Tweet's Car Parts Clean out

18 June 2015 - 01:31 PM

Hi all, got a few things I need to get rid of to make way for others.


All Items are location in Tasmania
All items are also advertised on other forums and media
I can be contacted via PM, and sorry for the crappy phone pics.
Triple Gauge Dash Pod - Suit CN9A & CP9A
Price: ***SOLD***


E7-E9 EGR Block Off Plate
Price: ***SOLD***


CP9A HKS Dump Pipe
Condition: Used
Additional Info:
The outlet of the Dump is 65mm, and appears to be made of Stainless steel
It also appears to have an internal split design, and requires an extension for the O2 sensor (http://meek.com.au/e...sor-evo4-6.html)
The only reason I know that it is a HKS item is because of this thread I found in my search: http://www.lancerreg...ad.php?t=215016
Does not come with gaskets or bolts, selling as you see it.
These were pulled off my car to be replaced by an X3E dump/front pipe, not knowing the system was already aftermarket.
Any information regarding the parts would be much appreciated.
Price: $80