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mr madmike

mr madmike

Member Since 11 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 04 2015 09:25 AM

In Topic: hsg steering rack mounts

08 September 2014 - 12:40 AM

finding the bushes are not easy. none or the shop have listing for the here in NZ. dose anyone know what would fit


i seen that EP2092 form peddles on a nathere post and thats for a 

Mitsubishi Diamante 1993-1996 F070W

will that fit???

In Topic: hsg-r engine change to n/a block and turbo it

30 May 2014 - 02:19 PM

so i've been running around for 3 weeks and boooom blown head gasket, well that's what I'm thinking/hoping. driving to hard for 10.5:1 CR


I got a MLS gasket with the car, tick

now I need 2x pistons and rings to get my CR to 8.5:1 again, my question is were in NZ can i buy them tried trademe Google wreckers etc  dose any one no or anyone in NZ got any for sale?? 

In Topic: hsg-r 3rd gear crunching help

28 May 2014 - 08:11 AM

thanks man, ive been doing same googling and they can do this for years so mite just live with it.


do you think changing the oil to 75w-90 will make a difference?? 


22 May 2014 - 07:13 AM

took for a WOF and failed on the SRS light


was gona cost me $70 to reset if it don't have any faults  :(

so I unplugged the air-bag ecu and made a ne555 chip timer to turn off the SRS light after 5 sec of turning the key, cost me $6 for the components bout a hours to make


and wof recheck PASS :lol:


17 May 2014 - 12:40 PM

yer i'm gona take the bulb out and hope they don't check it and if it fails ill get the fault code removed.


time for a after market wheel if it passes :)