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mr madmike

mr madmike

Member Since 11 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 04 2015 09:25 AM

#300625 AIR BAG LIGHT??

Posted by mr madmike on 22 May 2014 - 07:13 AM

took for a WOF and failed on the SRS light


was gona cost me $70 to reset if it don't have any faults  :(

so I unplugged the air-bag ecu and made a ne555 chip timer to turn off the SRS light after 5 sec of turning the key, cost me $6 for the components bout a hours to make


and wof recheck PASS :lol:

#299924 hsg-r engine change to n/a block and turbo it

Posted by mr madmike on 10 May 2014 - 10:59 PM

Ok got it going a 2 days ago, it was the wire feeding the injector resistors, it was only 1 f*@kn little wire looks like it was crushed some how. she runs mint as love the response of the high compression got a custom chip coming to. all my hard work paid off


thanks every one that had input you all helped   cheers