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Member Since 15 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 17 2015 12:22 PM

proud new RVR owner

06 October 2014 - 06:27 AM

after having seen Aldo's RVR in person while purchasing a gearbox for the jumbuck from him, i fell in love with the RVR...so when this thing came up, i had to have it.. is stock as, but low KM's - needs a couple of things if any of you guys can help out - rear door handle (mine's broken) & a driver's side headlight - any other parts that'd help pimp this thing would be sweet too... cheers

jumbuck 4wd conversion

15 April 2014 - 06:08 AM

g'day all...
have just purchased a jumbuck with a vr4 4g conversion, and am keen to get some 4wd action happening...being absolutely useless on the tools, i was hoping that someone who's been there & done it can give me an idea of what is required, or even if there is somewhere in the greater sydney area that could do the job for me...
thanks in advance people!