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Member Since 04 Sep 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 02 2020 11:07 AM

CD9A/CE9A Mudguard Liner / Splash Shield Kit

18 August 2018 - 10:20 AM

Hey guys,


Could anyone please confirm whether evo 1 and evo 2 mudguard/fender liners are interchangeable?


They do have different part numbers but maybe the changes are very minor and could actually be used on both given that the front bumper

bar skin is the same with just the lower lip being added for evo 2 models.


Unfortunately the fender liner for evo 1 has been discontinued and can no longer be ordered. However, there still seems to be some stock left for evo 2.


Therefore, just wanted to clarify with you guys before I order it.



Thanks in advance!!




Attached File  mudguard.JPG   20KB   158 downloads

Genuine Mitsi Din Triple Gauges

23 January 2018 - 12:58 AM

Single din, triple gauge assembly. Comes with the loom and oil temp sender which is also a sump plug. These are apparently from an evo 7.

Gauge needles have retained their colour and gauge rings do not have any scratches.

Had them boxed up for years with intention to install them one day, yet it never happened :/ haha


Price: $300


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Ecmlink v3 cc gsr/evo 1-3

14 December 2017 - 06:19 AM

CC GSR ecu with Ecmlink v3 installed. The ecu is out of a 1995 gsr that has onboard radiator fan control. However, it can be also used on earlier models with fan switch on the radiator.
The ecu was socketed and had its capacitors replaced by Mike Dale Automotive here in Adelaide. Ecmlink has also been supplied by him.


It comes with two cables however both have been inconsistent with connecting to ecu. When first one started playing up I got the second one which worked fine every time for couple

of years and recently begun to behave just like the first one. It could be that the problem lies in my laptop, but I'm almost pretty certain that the fault is within the cables.


It has a tune for evo 8 afm, 1450 FIC injectors and 20g td06sl2 running 24psi on a 4g63, but its likely to be irrelevant to anyone buying it haha.


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Price $500.