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Member Since 02 May 2014
Offline Last Active Feb 19 2017 12:18 AM

Gearbox help

11 December 2015 - 08:10 AM

I'm in need of some help, so last weekend i swapped over my gearbox since the old one was crunching, i was told the gearbox i installed was mint, after installing a new clutch and putting it back together with new fluid and correct grade of oil it wouldn't select first unless i shifted into second or third then it will go in no problem. Straight away i thought it would be the gear selector linkage or something along those lines but they seem to be working fine, the bushes look fine also. I found that the gear selector bracket was abit sloppy so i swapped it over from my old gearbox. But that still didn't fix it. I do have a sloppy gear leaver from the previous owner modifying it abit but it always went into gear on the old gearbox... Any ideas?

Gearbox help

05 March 2015 - 05:41 AM

Hey guys! I have a W5M33 NRBE gearbox in my gsr, wondering if i can replace it with a W5M33 NRWE gearbox? i know nrbe has no lsd and nrwe has viscous lsd.. needing to replace my gearbox as synchros are gone.

