I like cats and dogs. Cats are always the way they are, a real C$NT is a C$NT when you least expect it and at the last minute.
Our cat, who after we moved to the country went feral again (he was originaly feral) was a tank. When we lived in suburbia he drove out ALL the wildlife. Birds never landed on the roof, never came into our yard or land on the cars. He killed all the possums... POSSUMS. While a couple of times we did have to take him to the vet to have his face put back together, he survived and continued to leave corposes everywhere.
Our dogs, which are huge and scare most people away, were scared of this cat. The cat would climb on top of them and sleep there if it wanted the couch the dogs were on (the animals had their own living room).
Cats can be insane pets. And then there is the fact that you can throw them and they latch onto people. You can not do that with a dog.
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Member Since 14 May 2014Offline Last Active May 30 2014 03:01 AM