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Member Since 14 May 2014
Offline Last Active May 30 2014 03:01 AM

#300979 Potential future for better cars

Posted by AnmanIndustries on 26 May 2014 - 10:58 PM

Politics politics politics. If you want to argue about politics then take a body part and jam it in a door. Repeatadly. Good argument, I think I enjoyed it more than you. We should do it again sometime. Although next time, dont be greedy, let me pick the body part you jam in the door.


The Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party posted this on facebook recently. I have highlighted a part that gives some hope. Coming from a background where I have faught many times and researched many times and been contradicted by vicroads many times, about putting a turbo into a non turbo car and ect, this makes me feel hopeful.




One of the initiatives of the AMEP has been the formation of an independent Motoring Advisory Council (MAC). The inaugural meeting of the MAC was held recently were we saw Motoring Experts fly in from all around the country to take part in this historic event.

To see Industry Groups, Peak Motoring Associations, Road Safety, Driver Education, Vehicle Standards and Motoring Experts sitting around one table agreeing to work together was a unique experience. The quality of the conversation was high, and to see all present expressing the same concerns from different perspectives showed that our call for unity is well founded, and that together, as a unified group, we have the opportunity to achieve much.

It was truly inspiring to see such a diverse group of Motoring Experts talking about taking control and developing innovative policy/action to ensure the future sustainability of the Motoring Culture in Australia.

The MAC identified and discussed the key issues and opportunities that we face as a Culture, and priorities are being made and strategies developed.

Here are a few of the key opportunities we agreed to action immediately.

1. Restructure of Motor Industry

Maximise opportunities with the demise of car manufacturing to restructure the Motor Industry in Australia, to grow industry, skills and create new jobs.

Too often we see nonsensical rules introduced by regulators with no technical understanding, attempting to regulate in a manner that is impractical and makes no sense to car owners, vehicle modifiers and business. Unnecessary bureaucracy is currently threatening the future growth of these industries, however, all the right pre-conditions are in place for future growth and the time is right for creating that change.

2. Road Safety / Driver Education

Everyone around the table were strong Road Safety Advocates, and it was agreed it is time to start a new conversation in this country about Road Safety. It was also agreed there is nobody better than Motoring Enthusiasts to start this conversation.
The idea of hosting a Summit on Road Safety was put forward to help change the current debate about Road Safety. It was agreed by all this will be high on the agenda.

All in all it was an extremely successful day, and we believe that everybody left the meeting feeling confident that change is possible, and knowing that we are to be the leaders in creating that change.

This is a positive step forward in a very long journey.






I have followed politics closely for many years and the major parties are hopeless. Overall, federal politics have done little to effect road rules with each state government making their own shit up. This party apparently has an official foot in each state and may be worth trying. The only issue I have with them, which is an issue with most specific parties, is that their other stances on other things are just too general. But hey, in all my life the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with government wise is car stuff. No joke. So, maybe this is all I/we need in a political party.

#300893 Cars. I have them. Let me show you them. My cars.

Posted by AnmanIndustries on 25 May 2014 - 09:44 PM

Ok, here we go. To get me back into the spirit of working on this car, I played underground 2 all weekend. It has been a long time since I played games all weekend.


Is there a way to set image sizes in the IMG tag? Other wise, here is what I got:






It is very sad in the paint department. The roof has the typical bubbles in and it cant just be painted over. Bit of pulling out ofthe back dent, put of finding a new rear bar or trying to fix the old one, and it at least wont then look too bad.

#300405 The forum told me to do this

Posted by AnmanIndustries on 19 May 2014 - 11:11 AM

Those, are not fighting words. They are the words of a man who has lost... Before the fight has started....

#300375 Cars. I have them. Let me show you them. My cars.

Posted by AnmanIndustries on 19 May 2014 - 06:59 AM

Good news! I have entertainment for you, sedan admirer!

I have had a fair few pulsars and their variations. Here is the HOLDEN ASTRA pulsar. Essentially, it was back from when companies were forced to shair platforms. The main difference between this and the Nissan version was that the engine was stupified a little (EG, instead of variable TPS like the Nissan, it had a switch TPS) and some holden badges. But then there was this one thing that made me really mad and is relevant to my holden hate posted above. To change a clutch in the pulsar, you drop gear box from the bottom, 45m job. To change in the astra.... .. THEY PUT A FUCKING BAR UNDER THE GEAR BOX FOR NO REASON! 2 hours because they couldnt drop it. I asked my mechanic at the time why! Why was that bar there? He had no answer. That's right. Holden make things harder, so you have to pay them more.

Anyway, I give you THE BOLT! The much loved daily that many many people are still sad that it is gone. However, although it was killed by a Hyandai santa fe, it did save those two retards who didnt bother to put ice chains on while they went up Lake Mountain, from going over the edge of the mountain and dieing a very rolly death.

Race tape custom job. I love showing this car off.

First it started like:


Then it was like:



Then it was like:


#300361 I really don't see a problem....

Posted by AnmanIndustries on 19 May 2014 - 03:16 AM


Some people shouldn't be allowed to have cars. How the f do you drop a rod in a stock standard 2.0l focus?


From above it.

#300360 am I unreasonable?

Posted by AnmanIndustries on 19 May 2014 - 03:08 AM

I believe she should stay outside but other family members believe she should be inside.


Today I reminded person to clean it up and met with resistance.

What would be reasonable behavior in this case?


Burn family. Grown new one with old families ashes as fertilizer. Be head of the house, not the asshole, use the story of the time you burnt your old family for not listening to you to put the fear of god into your children.