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Member Since 31 May 2014
Offline Last Active Apr 20 2016 04:57 AM

How to get 300kw atw

21 October 2015 - 12:00 AM

Hi I have evo 1 going to put a vr4 motor in want to know how to get 300kw atw any help would be good thanks

Clutch slip ???

25 May 2015 - 11:23 AM

Hi all I have my cc 1.8 awd think clutch is slipping but not all the time ?
So was after best clutch flywheel combo
would like lightened flywheel
Also when I put my vr4 motor in later can I use the same setup
Any help would be good thanks

93 gsr 1.8t new toy

18 May 2015 - 10:32 AM

Hello all I have just bought my first gsr awd 1.8t 93 and I am over the moon car is green old car plate was JESTER still looks the same just bonnet is wrap now clear on roof bit off and white door trims gone
So what my plan is to do all bolt on mods to see what sort of power I can make without tune or build
So any help would be great
It has front mount pump is noisey so thinking its not standard has pod boost tap not sure on boost as gauge don't work also has 3inch
I have vr4 motor for it down the track but want to daily it and have fun for a while