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Member Since 13 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Jul 30 2014 11:44 PM

In Topic: eBay / Carsales / Tradingpost Car Sightings

14 July 2014 - 12:33 AM

As I mentioned before I do understand what your saying and know how things work hence why it's cheap
Just because it's registered as a GSR I'm not going to scrap the car or tip it
So I'll rather sell it to someone that's happy to take it with the risk of owning it as is
I'm not dis agreeing to what your saying and I don't buy and sell Evo's for a living I have a workshop not a car yard
If you want to call me dodgy business how did one of the biggest auctions Australia wide (Pickles auctions) sell me the car as it sits
my intention was to have big plans with the car but decided on going another path and the evo has to go
And I am informing all buyers what the car is and it's at their risk
As again in my comment earlier hope I didn't say anything to harm anyone
Thanks Jim

In Topic: eBay / Carsales / Tradingpost Car Sightings

13 July 2014 - 03:29 PM

That is true what your saying and I totally agree
like I said I have nothing to hide because I bought the car as is and selling as is and I'll rather explain to the buyer what he/she is buying its in their hands if they want it or not
I'm not hiding any information about the car or lying to the buyer about it being a evo
Like I explained before I have nothing to hide
Call it dodgy or whatever
At least both cars were bought and paid for
Not stolen and re birthed
I'll rather tell the truth about the car when sold
well known Evo owners have their evo's registered this way
If no one buys it I'm happy to part it out in parts anyway so not to fussed as I bought it with the intention of parting out but it's such a nice car I don't want to do that
I hope I have made some understanding and apologies if I have made any comments that you are not happy with
Thanks Jimmy

In Topic: eBay / Carsales / Tradingpost Car Sightings

13 July 2014 - 11:48 AM

Hey guys it's Jimmy
I own the evo 3/gsr and yes the evo 3Rs and evo 2
As some people on this forum know me already I haven't been on this forum much
but some good friends have told me that my name has come up and I just wanted to make some things clear so people don't have a wrong idea about me as I try to be as honest as possible with everything I do
II own a wrecking yard/workshop (evolution racing spares)
And all these cars that you are talking about are my personal cars as Evo's are my passion and I have a bad habit of collecting them
Just to explain I have put a evo for sale on Gumtree and yes its registered as a lancer gsr this is how I bought the car and knew that it was done
I'm sure 99% of people on this forum know that a lot of genuine 1,2,3 evos In Australia are registered as 1.8L gsr awd so it's nothing new for anyone because evo 1,2,3 wasn't aloud to be imported unless it's for race/rally purposes or personally import yellow plate
I know a lot of well known guys who have early model Evo's and are registered as lancer gsr
reason why I'm selling it cheap is because it's not a yellow plate import so you can consider it as a lancer gsr with all the evo parts whatever but who knows what these cars are worth they would pay the price
My intention is not to sell dodgy cars and I am very honest with any questions that anyone asks me about it because I have nothing to hide
I hope I have explained enough for people to understand what I'm trying to say buy I'm happy to answer any questions
thanks Jimmy :)