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Member Since 30 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Jul 31 2014 04:49 AM

In Topic: Mats gsr cd5a

31 July 2014 - 04:45 AM

cheers guys, still unsure weather or not to stick with my after market head lights or go full on factory front end, bumper included.. hmm

In Topic: Mats gsr cd5a

30 July 2014 - 09:03 AM

will post some pictures of my enginebay up soon!, was completly standard when i got her, ive installed custom made steampipe headers, td05 20g turbo, front mount and piping (new), removed the 38mm wastegate which was venting (lol), 510cc injectors, bored throttlebody out to 60mm to suit blitz aftermarket throttle body, 510hp walbro fuel pump, 


also got large fuel rail, sard adjustable fuel press regulator, 44mm wastegate, and adjustable camgears to install later next week.

car is making 230hp atw at the moment. ( also running eagle rods and forged pistons, acl big race bearings etc. just need some decent cams now!!