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Member Since 01 Aug 2014
Offline Last Active Aug 06 2023 06:54 AM

#343280 Libero GT

Posted by unhuman on 25 June 2022 - 11:17 PM

"Hoping" to have the engine in the car before year end so I can work on it over summer but it'll get done when it gets done.



lol, well 4 years later things are getting there.







#342540 1995 aus spec GSR

Posted by unhuman on 13 April 2019 - 04:06 AM

Look at the caster line under front axle, drivers side is out of tolerance. Should be 2.2 degrees with + or - .3 tolerance, but its 1.48.


Maybe something got bent in the accident? But if it feels fine when driving I guess whatever.

#342353 WideBody ZR4

Posted by unhuman on 07 January 2019 - 04:17 AM

^As above, just watched the video after it popped up in my recommended list. Good job.

#341035 New Adventures

Posted by unhuman on 15 April 2018 - 01:45 AM

The more wagons the better...

#341034 Libero GT

Posted by unhuman on 15 April 2018 - 01:33 AM

Jumping on the HX35 bandwagon.



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#333824 Libero GT

Posted by unhuman on 21 October 2016 - 11:18 PM

Did you use dry ice on the deadener?  Makes the job so much quicker, easier and cleaner!


Yes thats right. This was a spur of the moment job so I did it the hard way.


Plus time isn't an issue as I'm trying to kill time before the 63 build. Spoke to both my engine builder and racefab last week so things are in the pipeline.


A couple of photos from a small park up last night, good to have some shots of it not in the driveway / garage.





#333380 BAZENG. Street spec Galant VR4. (1991)

Posted by unhuman on 06 October 2016 - 12:23 AM


#333362 . .

Posted by unhuman on 05 October 2016 - 12:40 AM

^ Now thats a good idea.

#332688 Evo 1 dash removal ?

Posted by unhuman on 29 August 2016 - 01:36 AM

You have the screws for the stereo trim out as well as the clips? It should just pop out.

#332482 Car Security Suggestions

Posted by unhuman on 19 August 2016 - 01:17 AM

Hmmm good point... Anyone here actually set up a GPS tracker on theirs?


I have setup one of those cheap GPS trackers in an old car of mine, for reference it cost about $30 for the tracker + $10 for a SIM card with credit.


Was easy to install and use, however they only suit daily drivers.


If I left the car parked for anything more than a week it would drain the battery to the point it wouldn't start. I wired it up to a switch so I could turn it on when it was parked up away from home, but it was too much of a hassle and easy to forget.


In my experience car alarms or neither a deterrent or added security. Might as well install a flashing LED on a switch.


For cars that don't get driven often I would recommend removing parts, i.e. quick release steering wheel, ECU, ignition, fuses etc.


For cars that get driven at least once a week, try the GPS tracker + hidden kill switches.

#332419 BAZENG. Street spec Galant VR4. (1991)

Posted by unhuman on 16 August 2016 - 08:44 AM

Using an egg carton for bolts. Thats an idea I need to steal.

#332369 radio memory not working in e39a vr4

Posted by unhuman on 14 August 2016 - 12:26 AM

My process for the front speakers would be:


Check the fade is not all the way to the back in the headunit settings - considering that it was resetting itself every time this is unlikely to be a problem.


Cut the speaker wires on the loom immediately after the radio harness connector and temp wire in a speaker to confirm the headunit is working correctly and the speaker actually works.


If it does then there must be a break in the loom somewhere. Might as well run new wires at this stage with upgraded wire.


If they are component speakers then you also need to check the crossover.

#331839 CC Lancer broken into tonight...

Posted by unhuman on 23 July 2016 - 01:45 PM

I'm about to do this myself.


I would take either the passenger or boot lock instead of the drivers door as it is likely to have less wear due to them been used much less often.


Not 100% sure if this would be much of a benefit to the locksmith but that is what the internet told me once and the internet is never wrong.

#331763 Libero GT

Posted by unhuman on 21 July 2016 - 07:24 AM



The braided loom is just techflex off ebay and also split loom from jaycar.


Still got some left which will be used on the engine loom once the 93 is out.


Currently waiting on my Racefab intake and exhaust manifolds, don't want to start the 63 conversion until I have all the parts.


Have brought a handful of parts so far, 1000cc injectors, alloy radiator, Tial BOV, fake HKS fuel rail etc.

#331568 CC Lancer broken into tonight...

Posted by unhuman on 13 July 2016 - 10:20 PM

Would be a good time to look into hidden kill switches and a cheap GPS tracker.