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Member Since 05 Aug 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 08 2019 07:25 AM

#333276 URGENT! Drive belt/tensioner pulley problem

Posted by QUKNEZ on 26 September 2016 - 08:25 AM

readjusted belt as it wasn't all flush on the air con pulley. Running nice and smooth and quiet...for now lol

#333130 URGENT! Drive belt/tensioner pulley problem

Posted by QUKNEZ on 15 September 2016 - 08:00 AM

^ hehehe ^


So Im not getting the obvious squealing and squeezing noise that comes with a loose belt but it does give a "...kkkkkkkkkkkkkk..." sort of noise if you know what I mean? Did I over tighten something along the way?

#322771 wtb 4g93t aftermarket camshafts

Posted by QUKNEZ on 30 September 2015 - 10:06 AM

does a 4g93t have to be forged to justify bigger cams? Usual mods: all evo III bolt ons...turbo, injectors, AFM, ECU, pod filter, exhaust, FMIC...

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#316268 Daily runner bolt ons...What next?

Posted by QUKNEZ on 18 April 2015 - 10:02 AM

^ you know how it is...you think you have everything, then you gotta wait to get something else to make that one bolt on run at optimum lol. Do it once...do it right eh?

#306572 Design work

Posted by QUKNEZ on 28 August 2014 - 09:51 AM

Too much bro. You still in the game? hahaha..I wrote that not realising there was another 7 pages lol


I'm definitely coming to you for work. Will message you when Im ready :thumbsup:

#306523 Lifters, Manifold, TD05 and Brakes overhaul on 4G93

Posted by QUKNEZ on 27 August 2014 - 09:03 AM

Well, Day 2 and pretty much if I didn't unscrew it, undo it, get it off or make it fit then I just went and did something else on the car then came back to it. Worked a treat coz I pretty much got to do most of what I wanted to without pulling my teeth out.


With a really useful link from Django I managed to pry all the rocker arms up and get all the lifters out without too much drama. I just had to crank it a bit each time I came to a tight rocker arm because the cam was in the way. That explained that tightness from yesterday. Just got one lifter that popped out and got conveniently stuck deep in the head that I need a magnet and long nosed pliers to get out. I thought the lifters in there were the original 4g93 ones with the really small top hole but they were the oversized ones, but man did they NOT budge one bit when I tried to compress them! All of them were tight az and are in need of a good clean or I'll just biff them. Got my new lifters (from Meeks) and soaked them in a bath of oil to be ready for tomorrows bleeding and installation.


After a trip to the local, I got a breaker bar and some other goodies and that took care of those stubborn calliper bolts. I had trouble getting the rotor off but nothing the hammer couldn't solve.


Sadly while I was on a roll I ran out of time, but I'm pretty happy with the progress I'm making. Like I said, I'm a novice when it comes to this stuff but its cool working on it. Still waiting on the TD05 :angry:

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#306505 Replacing lifters

Posted by QUKNEZ on 27 August 2014 - 12:21 AM

Django I found that link to be helpful az. Thanks buddy :thumbsup: