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Member Since 14 Aug 2014
Offline Last Active Apr 06 2017 03:26 AM

In Topic: Thoughts on mods for a lancer CC GSR 4g93t

28 August 2015 - 07:31 AM

Im not sure, at the time he was kind of rushed so i didn't push for more info.

In Topic: Thoughts on mods for a lancer CC GSR 4g93t

28 August 2015 - 04:14 AM

When i spoke to Chris at Meek last he told me the 16g pretty much maxes out at 20 psi and basically not to run anymore on a forged 93t...

In Topic: El Gauges...

16 July 2015 - 04:55 AM

Im guessing they arent plug and play... looks like the EL requires seperate wiring?

In Topic: Idle Speed Control problems

05 July 2015 - 03:43 AM

I had all these problems about a 6 months ago, i replaced and checked almost everything. In the end, i went to the wreckers and pulled 3 magna TB's. After trying 2 that (i assume) had problems the third one had no leaks and the idle surge was gone instantly. Was such a relief after trying multiple things and replacements. After closely inspecting the original TB i noticed gaps in the seals and they all had slight leaks.


Replace your entire throttle body and TPS and see if it clears up

(im running a forged 4g93t, td05 16g, 510cc inj, 609 afm,GSR ECU chipped, socketed and repaired, and magna TB)


EDIT: mine was surging up to 3.5k rpm rapidly until the engine warmed up....

In Topic: Flare guards GSR

09 June 2015 - 03:26 AM



^ the NZ company


They can do the kit parts separately, i would contact them see if they could mod them to suit a stock kit...