Oh, sorry to ad to my little anecdote, about 10 years ago I had an FC RX-7, did a few small performance upgrades on it, and my Mrs. bought me a rotor shaped oil filler cap as a present for it. Anyway, we were on a cruise and a guy and his mate approached me to talk about the car a little, so I opened the bonnet so they could have a look.
While I was chatting to this guy, out the corner of my eye I catch his mate unscrewing my oil filler cap and go to put it in his pocket!
I said "Hey, what the f*&k do you think your doing??" and he says "Oh I was just having a look at it" and screwed it back on and took off. I couldn't believe my eyes!
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Member Since 12 Sep 2006Offline Last Active Jul 20 2009 04:25 PM