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Member Since 12 Sep 2006
Offline Last Active Jul 20 2009 04:25 PM

In Topic: thieving pieces of ####

07 March 2009 - 03:22 AM

Oh, sorry to ad to my little anecdote, about 10 years ago I had an FC RX-7, did a few small performance upgrades on it, and my Mrs. bought me a rotor shaped oil filler cap as a present for it. Anyway, we were on a cruise and a guy and his mate approached me to talk about the car a little, so I opened the bonnet so they could have a look.

While I was chatting to this guy, out the corner of my eye I catch his mate unscrewing my oil filler cap and go to put it in his pocket!
I said "Hey, what the f*&k do you think your doing??" and he says "Oh I was just having a look at it" and screwed it back on and took off. I couldn't believe my eyes!


In Topic: thieving pieces of ####

07 March 2009 - 02:41 AM

That f**in sucks Brian, But as others have said it is an extremely small 4g community here, I'm sure the culprits will be outed in no time.

I had this problem with my 808 coupe, I kept buying NOS parts for it, which for an RX-3/808 are astronomically expensive (like $400 -$800 for one badge), And I used to lock them in the shed.
Continually I used to go up there to do some work on it and find parts missing regularly, Parts I knew I had already. They were just popping a side window and climbing in.
My dog must have got close to catching them a couple of times as she'd wake me up and run to the back door, I'd let her out and she'd bolt towards the back fence barking like mad, and she's a fairly placid dog normally
I never had any hard evidence as to who it was but I and some contacts have a fairly good idea.
Mrs was real happy when all my 808/RX parts were moved to the house, It pretty much halted the project, I was even going to move the car to my old man's for a while there I was so worried I'd come home one day and it would be gone.

Anyway sorry for the long post, I hope you find them and can prove it. They need to be outed


In Topic: WTD: Evo 3 Radiator top air deflector

19 February 2009 - 06:33 AM

LAILE in J-Land also make one, same as cusco only gold

In Topic: eBay Parts Sightings

18 February 2009 - 01:21 PM


how does it fit with gsr guards.....or do you need evo guards?

Hi Brian,
Can be fitted with GSR fenders but it will stick out at the edges of the wheel arches, same as if you fitted an evo bar as they are designed to suit the evo's flared fenders. You could probably have it modified to suit although I'm sure you'd have some spare guards floating about anyway.
Your GSR bumper reo will still fit with it fine so you won't need another
One of these Bumpers just sold on Yahoo Japan for $709 Aus plus freight :eek:! I didn't realize the Japanese were mad

EDIT: Just got a quote on a new one from J-Land, $2132 landed in Aus!!

In Topic: eBay Parts Sightings

18 February 2009 - 07:24 AM

Looks sweet on black eIII, http://www.lancerreg...ht=truth&page=2
Couple of the brits have them also. Jap63's car is frickin awesome BTW!