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Member Since 29 Sep 2014
Offline Last Active Oct 05 2015 06:21 AM

In Topic: Head swap options

08 September 2015 - 07:38 AM

Well and truely, couldn't have said it better myself. It goes against every grain in my body but i think I'm going to put some of that head gasket fixer shit in the cooling water.. I simply can't afford to go without a car an this wee car is costing more then I can afford (an more then it's worth for that matter!) I'll check tourqe on head studs but I'm not crossing my fingers. Meanwhile my rb20det is still lacking my focus :'(

This turd definitely can't be polished, I even tried rolling it in glitter.. It's better then it was... But still stinks like shit lol

In Topic: Head swap options

31 August 2015 - 03:42 AM

Yep, it was, had it skimmed and cleaned

In Topic: Head swap options

29 August 2015 - 11:46 PM

Head gasket is leaking :( very frustrating

In Topic: Head swap options

27 August 2015 - 03:02 AM

Usually timing with distributor there is a vacuum line to disconnect, I assum coming from intake. Oh Iv not noticed a sticker under hood, admittedly the bonnet has been off the car more then it has been on since owning the beast

In Topic: Head swap options

22 August 2015 - 11:09 PM

Update for an old thread.. Head is on, used above tourqe specs with no issue. The original head had m15 stamped on it, the new head had m14 stamped on it. There was only acouple of slight differences between the two, the holes that the head studs go through were larger on the m14 and also needed to shorten distributor sleeve that slides into head (has the o ring around it) as the m15 head was 23 mm in depth and the m14 was 21 mm. It also had studs to tighten the distributor on as oppose to the m15 head where it used bolts.

Might help someone in the future, who knows!

Now all I need is get ignition timing properly set (Iv yet to do any searching, but if anyone know the degrees, feel free to mention :)) replace window, new rear muffler and drivers window winder mech (it drives me crazy not being able to put window down lol) and I'll be ready for a warrant of fitness :D