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Member Since 29 Sep 2014
Offline Last Active Oct 05 2015 06:21 AM

#321921 Head swap options

Posted by Dayniie on 08 September 2015 - 07:38 AM

Well and truely, couldn't have said it better myself. It goes against every grain in my body but i think I'm going to put some of that head gasket fixer shit in the cooling water.. I simply can't afford to go without a car an this wee car is costing more then I can afford (an more then it's worth for that matter!) I'll check tourqe on head studs but I'm not crossing my fingers. Meanwhile my rb20det is still lacking my focus :'(

This turd definitely can't be polished, I even tried rolling it in glitter.. It's better then it was... But still stinks like shit lol

#320076 Head swap options

Posted by Dayniie on 18 July 2015 - 03:51 PM

"Slap" is not very descriptive, an not really something I want to go by.. Thank you ejackulalator, There's an example of useful info! Yes fuel pump is driven by camshaft on original head, so electric fuel pump is a must if using efi head. I'm not after performance, basicly anything that will work I will be happy with as will be a run about car for my girlfriend. I wish 4g15 head is as common in New Zealand but as every wrecker has said to us "good luck finding something that age" -sigh- so a efi head will work fine provided intake manifold is a direct bolt on? Has anyone had any experience bolting a twin cam efi head to a original 12 valve carb motor? Some exact answers would be great to reduce any potenial risks

#318805 Replacement Alternator Options

Posted by Dayniie on 10 June 2015 - 10:31 AM

I would definitely agree with you guys, but this car seems to be a bottomless money pit (previous owners ruff as guts with the poor girl :( ) so i plan to keep the costs down, get it running happy, sell it before anything else pops up and bites me in the ass, and get my RB20det on the road