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Member Since 14 Oct 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 20 2014 01:58 AM

In Topic: Magazine info needed! 4G93T CD5A Upgrades

15 October 2014 - 09:34 PM

Thanks everyone, major help so far. I will probably bring some mention to the rust in the roofs too as this seems to be a problem. What about diff upgrades? EVO III? 

In Topic: Magazine info needed! 4G93T CD5A Upgrades

14 October 2014 - 08:01 PM

No worries guys, I was just hoping to compile all of the data in one place for people wanting to achieve the same things without searching. 
How I contribute is by spending my month researching so others don't need too. My goal is to have this information more readily available for people all over in an easy to follow guide. 
I myself have never had much money, and I felt the magazine lacked a section for people that want to modify their cars the way I had too with no coin.
This article will in no way earn me any money, nor does it need to be in the magazine, our sales staff couldn't care less, but I want people to help out. 
People have been more than willing to help out in the past with these features and I got told you guys would be the same! I spent the whole day yesterday researching, so I will just have to use that information. 

Once the article is complete, I am more than happy to post it up here so it can be used as a sticky! One of our staffers Todd used to own NFORCA the fastest GSR in NZ so he has been quite useful with my research.

I didn't want to step on anyone's toes here, just asking for some help. Thanks for your time everyone!