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Member Since 19 Oct 2014
Offline Last Active Oct 31 2015 08:53 AM

100mm 2.4l crank forsale

08 September 2015 - 01:14 PM

100mm 2.4l crank forsale
In good condition. 7 Bolt
Balanced will require a linish before use

Hks twin plate clutch
needs discs
comes with throwout bearing
flywheel 7 bolt

located Vic
can send at buyers cost

Evo 1/2/3 mechanical diff

03 September 2015 - 12:20 PM

Evo 1/2/3 Rs mechanical diff with driveshafts

Came out of a Evo 1 Rs

No whines or crunches was very tight
Comes with matching driveshafts, crossmember and diff bash plate

Located vic

Evo 1/2/3 Rs gsr parts gearbox,diff,body

19 July 2015 - 12:08 AM

Evo 1/2/3 parts

Evo 1 skirts $100
Evo 1 rear bar and reo $100
Evo rear lights $50
Evo headlights & clear indicators $100
Engine/box cross member $35
Evo 4/5 oil cooler $75
Evo 3 dump $70
3 race harnesses in date $40
Walbro 255lph inline pump $75
Coilpacks & igniters $75
Evo 2 bare head $200
Whiteline rear sway bar $75

Message me on 0481360765 for pics and more info. Located vic

evo 1rs fully caged rolling shell (victoria)

23 June 2015 - 12:23 PM

evo 1rs fully caged track/rally car rolling shell


deciding to part out so up for sale is the shell $3000


straight car 

full seam welded body 

cams approved cage have forms etc rear weight biased 

rear guards have been rolled 

fully stripped out 

rear parcel shelf has been covered 

light weight glass


will come with full front and kit 


no motor box, diff, brakes, interior, wheels, suspension 


Located Victoria 



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evo 1/2/3 Kmac stage 2 camber/castor race/street top plates near new

22 April 2015 - 11:52 AM

evo 1/2/3 Kmac stage 2 camber/castor race/street top plates near new


SUIT EVO 1/2/3 and GSR


Used for 1 track day then sold car

payed 520 new only a few months ago

gives castor/camber which is a must for a good turn in


comes with box,plates, all bolts 

will suit any coilover even stock shocks



Located Vic but can send


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