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Member Since 14 Sep 2006
Offline Last Active Feb 09 2016 01:52 PM

In Topic: wheres galantvr4.org.au

05 March 2014 - 12:09 PM

i can do the hosting of it for free. I just need a copy of the site.

In Topic: palm logger went flat - need help with MMCD reflash

01 February 2014 - 05:23 AM

u need a windows computer to run hotsync, when you have that - we can help.


U can send it too me and I'll redo it for free - but you pay post.

In Topic: Sold please delete / lock

24 January 2014 - 10:38 AM

sorry - i took it too the tip.

In Topic: Galant GSR Track/Drag FWD

24 January 2014 - 10:32 AM

Next budget build update....


We decided on a 2.3l stroker as we can't resist ( and we like displacement :D )


Getting forged rods/pistons for the build.....


Maybe a gt35R for the drags or we might see what the 20G can do on E85. Just need bigger injectors on the cheap. We also have long term plans for RWD galant GSR --- drifting or something. Just beam axel and north / south the motor.


Found that the spare rear coilovers from my 3000gt will fit with a different bush in the bottom. Got some VR4 struts for the front!


63t on stand



engine bay





4g64 :D


In Topic: Galant GSR Track/Drag FWD

21 January 2014 - 02:44 AM

Im kinda excited to start on wiring. Need a diagram for the stock vr4 cluster as we r keeping it. Ordered a fuse / switch panel today.