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Member Since 14 Sep 2006
Offline Last Active Feb 09 2016 01:52 PM

WTB: Clutch for VR4

27 January 2014 - 04:16 AM

Anyone got a 6 puck clutch about? Anything really, to suit vr4.


its for a budget track car so cheap would be handy :P



FWD gearbox options

19 January 2014 - 01:20 PM

Hello All,


What is the strongest FWD gearbox?


The Galant GSR Gearbox has a 215mm flywheel / clutch. Can you use a 225mm vr4 flywheel / clutch? Or is the ring gear for the starter incorrect?


The Magna KM210 is an option - 225mm clutch, same as vr4. Does the VR4 clutch fit straight on?


The w5m33 AWD box in FWD is another option, what makes these stronger? Should we lock it using the Viscous center welded or anther way that would be stronger?


Any input would be great.




MD165808 VR4 RS ecu. Chipable, logable

26 March 2013 - 01:22 PM


MD165808 VR4 RS ecu. Chipable, logable caps look good.

Has no chip in it currently as I had a emu on it. I can supply a bin for 560cc injectors, 055, 5500 launch.

This one of the most sort after ecus.

The cover for the ecu is not the original, but the board is the md165808

Location WA

044799123 and then a 4

$275 shipped within oz

VR4 Quarter Master twinplate clutch

23 March 2013 - 01:25 PM

Quarter Master twinplate clutch about 70% left

$500 posted within oz