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Member Since 24 Oct 2014
Offline Last Active Jul 18 2019 08:46 AM

In Topic: 4G93T Satria

28 October 2014 - 05:16 AM

nice mod. more awsome if have rear axle :)

I want it badly but it's again the rules in Malaysia.

In Topic: 4gtuner stickers are in the store!

27 October 2014 - 12:30 PM

Possible ship it to Malaysia ?

In Topic: dougmos evo2 project

27 October 2014 - 11:35 AM

Awesome ride ! Am so jealous.. LOL

In Topic: 4G93T Satria

27 October 2014 - 11:29 AM

open centre I still got tyres smoking haha.. maybe it was just the cheap shitty tyres

No worry sometime it's cool to see smoke .. LOL !

In Topic: 4G93T Satria

27 October 2014 - 11:27 AM

You'll be surprised how much grip you get with just the front lsd. It'll still fry the tyres but you'll be well and truly moving at the same time. Not like a single legget where the car basically sits on the spot.

Got it already.. Hehe.. Thanks for the advise.