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Member Since 24 Oct 2014
Offline Last Active Jul 18 2019 08:46 AM

New face - Malaysia

27 October 2014 - 11:16 AM

Hello and nice to meet you all 4gtuners! Am wei from Penang, Malaysia.

Hope to meet all the 4G tuner around the world here :D
Am driving Pronton Satria powered by 4G93T.

4G93T Satria

24 October 2014 - 08:42 PM

Hello all! Am new here with my 4G93T Satria

Ride currently in workshop for rebuild motor and install management.

List my mod here:

- replace with E3 wiring.
- 609 af
- super flow air filter
- works stage ll fuel regulator
- works fuel rail
- walbro 255lph in tank fuel pump
- 1000cc bosch high impedance injector
- tomei 270 lift 11.1 cam
- tomei valve spring
- duratech performance lifters
- oversize cp forged piston (82mm)
- eagle forged rods
- alc bearings
- arp top & bottom studs
- ngk ro9
- td05h -20g
- custom turbo manifold
- greddy Profec electronic boost controller
- haltech ps1000

As soon as the car done, will post up the dyno result.

Thanks for reading. ^^

Malaysian 4g93t.