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JSN 74

JSN 74

Member Since 12 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 27 2014 11:33 PM

In Topic: How to remove 4g64 engine out of 99 WA Starwagon

27 November 2014 - 10:53 PM

Hi guys, would it be a good idea to replace head bolts on the 4g64, or could I re use my old ones?..
Also can anyone tell me if the 99 L300 van 2.4L engine is the same as 99 WA Starwagon and the MK 2wd Triton engines?.

In Topic: How to remove 4g64 engine out of 99 WA Starwagon

13 November 2014 - 04:35 AM

Thanx for that mate, no it wasn't ceased just bit hard to turn over by hand, well with socket and ratchet.
I was glad that the bores wernt as bad as I thought they,d be, my mate said just to rub with 400 wet n dry sand paper,tho I only used dry paper!!.
The bores came up really good, then wiped clean, sprayed bit of Inox on bores and wound over by hand and its good now.
I knew it needs a headgasket etc but I was bit worried I may have needed another engine, and these lill buggers arnt cheap either lol.

In Topic: How to remove 4g64 engine out of 99 WA Starwagon

13 November 2014 - 01:38 AM

Thanx for that mate, yeah it turns over ok just bit worried it has rust in bores from sitting so long,
Just in the process of takin head off now.