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Member Since 15 Dec 2014
Offline Last Active Dec 19 2014 01:43 PM

Engine conversions for 2003 ce coupe

15 December 2014 - 10:41 AM

Hi guys I own a 2003 ce coupe running a 4g93, if you were in my situation would you:

1) Keep 4g93 and turbo

2) Do an engine conversion (cheaper and more potential)


If option 2, which engine would you go for?

Thank you.

New member intro

15 December 2014 - 10:21 AM

Hi guys, my name is Blake. I own a CE Lancer, just another CE Lancer. Nothing compared to some of the stuff I seen on here. Not sure if I will end up keeping it but I have been a fan of Mitsubishi since I was younger playing Gran Torismo.. Done a bit of work to it, fitted evo 3 front brakes, gti proton rear brakes and CAI. Rest is just rice, fitted some new rims and a decent sound system. Apart from that it is stock. Definitely got more in the pipeline, depending on if i end up keeping it.

Still looking around the forums a bit, do you guys do meetups?