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Member Since 05 Jan 2015
Offline Last Active Dec 17 2016 06:31 AM

Center diff .97 rvr

21 January 2015 - 12:51 PM

Hi guys.

I have rescued a rvr 97.Its blown its centere diff.Too good to go to the scrap metal merchants.ssg Ralliart.Gearbox #w5m332umxl.have pics but my mac doesnt want to  upload.(Operator error ?? ) Jack of all says gearbox gurus in Perth.If you let me know where and when can deliver box. Or meet.




17 January 2015 - 12:27 PM

Hi all.

Have just put a super sports ralliart  RVR in my garage.It was to nice to leave in the junk yard an it asked me to take it home.Reason it was there is that it has a blown up centere diff.Had to cut it out with oxy torch.Has viscous coupling.Shaft was twsted.Will post some pics when this old fella works out how to do so.Nice to have so much info shared by those who know.Thanks in advance.

I live in Cervantes in WA .
