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Member Since 27 Sep 2006
Offline Last Active Feb 24 2016 12:19 PM

In Topic: Don's Rvr

04 January 2016 - 01:13 AM

I hear you went 9s recently? ? Looked fucking awesome!!

Thanks mate! Yes both dons RVR and my GSR went to the drags on Saturday.
Unfortunately dons rvr only did one aborted run as it was too scary.
I managed a 9.98@138mph straight away first run with a 1.6 60ft, 6.49 half track.
Backed it up with another 9.93@138mph with another 1.6 60ft 6.45 half track.
Track official then said Gsr isn't teched to run anymore, got banned.
So happy, I have never ran a 9s pass in anything before! GSR felt so strong! Even the overdrive held the abuse.
Shame it's banned because with more practice I'm confident the times will drop. Plus it was stinking hot and my mph was slightly lower than previous.
Next on the list..time to crank the boost up another 5psi and enjoy it at happy lap events and Powercruise events.

Gearbox is great Aldo, thanks!!!!!

In Topic: Don's Rvr

04 January 2016 - 01:05 AM

Thanks Aldo, exactly what dons rvr does. That's why we only tried running it once down the 1/4 on Saturday once and gave up. Needs more stability otherwise it's scary as.
It felt very fast on boost and would have ran well.

In Topic: Don's Rvr

03 January 2016 - 09:19 AM

Is it an RVR trait that they torque steer very hard? It's very scary and if not careful could cause a crash :/

In Topic: Don's Rvr

08 December 2015 - 03:04 AM

Thanks Aldo! Don loves that I took over his thread 😉

In Topic: Don's Rvr

08 December 2015 - 03:01 AM

Hey yeh can get 5-7psi easy now. But then just wheelspins because everything is open centre at the moment, running on federal RSR tyres. Sorry Aldo, when we swapped internals over we didn't swap the locked centre bits over. Should have in hindsight.
I did manage a 1.56 60ft on one run but hit rev limiter hard and then it skated through 2nd.