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Member Since 22 Feb 2015
Offline Last Active May 11 2016 11:45 AM

#328795 No more RVR

Posted by rhodieee on 30 March 2016 - 01:44 PM

Say what now?!
That's a shame. Although you probably don't think so.... Already have a spare bonnett.
What are you driving now mate?

It is a shame! I miss it so much and would all time be my favourite car I've ever owned. Reasons for getting rid it, it's extremely hard to scavenger parts for it, many problems were coming to it e.g rust, exhaust leak, extreme blow by, oil leaks everywhere. Would have fixed them but it's just forking out to much money. Coming from a someone who owns a car no one knows about to now owning a skyline is a big change. Must admit the 4g63s can handle so much more then the RBs it will always shock me how much power you can push with a 4 cylinder! One day I might own a RVR again! Thanks for the help to the 4gtuner community!

#326929 In need of new front pads and rotors! (HELP)

Posted by rhodieee on 20 January 2016 - 11:53 PM

Thanks benzo! Sorry been off this forum off a while but your help is greatly appreciated! Keep up the good work :)

#324855 Why does the RVR roof get rust so easy?

Posted by rhodieee on 24 November 2015 - 11:37 PM

Why does the roof rust on a lot of models for the RVR?

#319798 Thinking of selling my RVR? How much is it worth

Posted by rhodieee on 10 July 2015 - 01:25 AM

Awesome, cheers man
are the recaros stock? Just trying to learn what I can, oh and are the ssg 4 or 5 seater?

stock bro :) and its 4 seater