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Member Since 04 Mar 2015
Offline Last Active Feb 04 2016 12:42 AM

In Topic: rim fitment help

21 March 2015 - 05:48 PM

hey guys thinking of getting rims for my 95 RVR sportsgear and was wondering if anyone knew if the particular rims im after would fit.




17/8 +30




Using  18x8.5 et 36 + 5mm spacers. Rear dustcoats rub off

Rays 17х8 et36 fits with front brembo.  


For your 17x8 et30 with stock brakes & 215/45 R17

to suspension- 100% sufficient (more than stock)
to fenders- wheel will bulge outward by 21 mm (0.8 '')  

to wheel arches- 100% sufficient (even more than regular) 

In Topic: Aftermarket Parts List

11 March 2015 - 01:23 PM

Aftermarket suspension coils RS-R Ti 2000 for n23wg

Front   B610TWF 224049

Rear    B610TWR 224056


In Topic: rvr pics upload here

11 March 2015 - 12:42 PM

Knew I should've put a patent on that front bar paint design ;)


Yeeah!!! ))) I confess took design from pics of your ride in google.))) Very nice ЯVR. One of the best in the world! Especially your spec list. Your crazy !!!! (in a good way)  

In Topic: Turbo-tram from Russia with love

11 March 2015 - 12:03 PM

I bet your weren't too happy after you sold it !


is never easy to part with my own project. )

But car originally conceived as a universal project for timeattack sessions & everyday work transport. 

Saw idea on this photo - attachment. it was challenge. 

all attempts were in vain to compete with evo/scooby/etc. 

make go fast sedan is one thing, but to make it go fast rvr- already unusually

but now on my own experience I can prove that this is not a track car.

Heavy and high body (1730mm). For comparison, the body EVO 8 below 320mm, body Forester below 150 mm, body Nissan Juke R - 165 mm. Very high.

You can make it lighter, lower, faster. But its budget will be like Liberia's external debt ) can buy 2 evos VI  

May be can build rvr for racing track. But it will be car only for track & uncomfortable for family.

In Topic: Turbo-tram from Russia with love

10 March 2015 - 07:28 AM

Gday piter,
very good english, thanks for sharing your ride. It sounds like a great trip.
I have also done the trip from moscow to saint p, though it was on the train. You have very beautiful country, and very good piva bokrev.

:thumbsup:  welcome!