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Member Since 28 Sep 2006
Offline Last Active Private

genuine evo gauges

23 October 2015 - 06:36 AM

Item for sale is a set of genuine evo gauges, all in good working order and have recently been removed from my evo 6.5 as i am upgrading them, comes with volt, oil temp and boost

Asking for $200

Prefer pick up as i work crazy hours and will not have time for the post office

VR4 and GSR parts

14 January 2015 - 08:35 AM

Hi i have some parts for sale not sure what its all worth so hit me up if its to pricy

VR4 gearbox $250
VR4 transfer case $150
VR4 14b turbo sold
GSR turbo $50
GSR head and cover $150
GSR manifold $100

All item pick up

wtb. lhf vr4 driveshaft and turbo cooling lines

14 January 2015 - 07:41 AM

Hi im looking for a lhf driveshaft from a vr4 or evo 1 2 3 and turbo cooling lines to suit a vr4 engine

Need these part to finish of a 4g63 conversion

Thanks craig