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Mike'n Ash

Mike'n Ash

Member Since 19 Apr 2015
Offline Last Active Oct 30 2017 01:03 PM

CC GSR Fuel gauge problem and misfiring problem

06 August 2016 - 06:48 AM

Installed a turbo light yesterday, easy enough job, worked great..

Then a little later i noticed the fuel gauge had risen much above what i know it should be.. 

Tried taking cluster out this morning, cleaning components, now it's dropped to the empty line, goes up a little then back to the line..

Daughter took car for a drive, noticed a significant loss of power and that the car would lurch/ misfire on letting off the accelerator.. 

Reset ECU, didn't work, have checked injectors, they are fine, no air leaks, no fuel leaks.. 
I'm worried i've managed to fry the ECU somehow, even though i did everything accordingly...



Any ideas guys??


gsr rear wheel camber and toe seetings

09 December 2015 - 10:55 AM

Any body have any pics of their camber and toe adj bolts on rear suspension?

So i can set mine up temporarily the same.