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Member Since 13 May 2015
Offline Last Active Sep 17 2015 04:34 AM

gsr lancer manual to auto conversion

23 June 2015 - 12:08 PM

Hi guys I'm currently doing a auto conversiono on my 1994 gsr Lancer. It has a 2 litre 4g63 engine already. I bought a kiggly flex plate kit as my crank was a 6 bolt. That's all good. I put an rvr auto 4wd transmission in but now I don't know which gearbox mount to use. Any help? This is the mount on the drivers side as the manual evo 3 gearbox mount or the rvr auto gearbox mount won't work. Which car auto transmission mount do I use. Also I have complete evo3 manual conversion up for sale. Which includes genuine evo 3 gearbox, transfer case, pedal box, cables with bearings, clutch master cylinder and slave cylinder, exedy heavy duty button clutch brand new done less than 500kms, and also manual shifter.Open to offers as 3rd sometimes is hard to get into but other times is fine. Located in Melbourne, Vic. Please help me as I miss my car being on the road :(