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Member Since 17 May 2015
Offline Last Active Nov 06 2016 02:14 AM

New Member - Brisbane

17 May 2015 - 01:04 PM

G'day all, 


This year (Sometime in July/Aug) I'll be embarking on my first 4G63 adventure. Hoping to find myself a VI as clean as possible. 
It's been a childhood dream of mine to own one and this year it becomes a reality. Until then, I'll be lurking and learning.


I'm mechanically minded and will be working on it myself. The aim for the build is to make a nimble, sharp street car with direction towards fast mountain runs and the occasional track day. It'll be a daily though, so nothing crazy. I'm one of the guys that does suspension and steering and stopping first before power gets touched - I don't care so much for speed, I just like corners.. Yep, I'm a motorcyclist too.


Anyway, with a short about me and that's all I've got for you tonight. Hopefully I can learn some bad habits and good ideas.


Name: AJ

Age: 27

Works in: Motorcycle Industry

Current wheels: 2005 VZ Calais

Previous Cars: '91 N13 Pulsar GL, '96 TE Magna Altera, '07 XR6 Ripcurl Ute

Previous bikes: '94 Honda Hornet 250, '08 KTM 690SMC, '09 Honda CBR600RR, '03 Honda CRF230F, '98 Yamaha YZ80

