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Member Since 05 Jun 2015Offline Last Active Mar 21 2018 01:41 PM
CD9A 1993 (2008-2011)Bought this evo, had been sitting in a shed/paddock for over a year with a blown bottom end, towed it back to my place and started pulling the engine out. resurected it with a second hand shortblock, upgraded aftermarket TD05... |
DSCF0095in CD9A 1993 (2008-2011)
DSCF0093in CD9A 1993 (2008-2011)
DSCF0090in CD9A 1993 (2008-2011)
DSCF0087in CD9A 1993 (2008-2011)
myevo1datassin CD9A 1993 (2008-2011)
myevo1 5in CD9A 1993 (2008-2011)
myevo1 4in CD9A 1993 (2008-2011)
myevo1 2in CD9A 1993 (2008-2011)
myevo1in CD9A 1993 (2008-2011)
DSC00094in CD9A 1993 (2008-2011)
DSC00066in CD9A 1993 (2008-2011)
DSC00068in CD9A 1993 (2008-2011)
DSC00062in CD9A 1993 (2008-2011)
DSC00060in CD9A 1993 (2008-2011)
DSC00056in CD9A 1993 (2008-2011)
2in CD9A 1993 (2008-2011)
38in CD9A 1993 (2008-2011)
37in CD9A 1993 (2008-2011)
36in CD9A 1993 (2008-2011)
35in CD9A 1993 (2008-2011)
34in CD9A 1993 (2008-2011)