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Member Since 05 Jun 2015
Offline Last Active Mar 21 2018 01:41 PM

#320388 Need the all clear before I put this head in my evo 1

Posted by 4g7bolter on 27 July 2015 - 07:27 AM

Thanks, guys, sorry for the delayed reply for that was for good reason, I took all of you're advice and

 yep, I certainly took it to get inspected, everything  was actually fine how it was!, all they did was a leak down test and it checked out fine.


just spent the last 2 nights putting the g6k-4 head on, lubricated the cams and lifters, torqued it down, cambelt, got oil pressure , then started it first pop!

The lifters were a bit noisey but they quietened down after a few mins, 


thanks very  much for you're help guys :D