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Member Since 05 Jun 2015
Offline Last Active Mar 21 2018 01:41 PM

just bought an rvr 1994 sport gear

26 November 2015 - 02:47 PM

Hey guys Ive bought an rvr 1994 which has a td04HL standard setup with g6k3 head etc , its going to be a parts car for a new CB lancer project( using the RVR engine)


Just wondering what the gearbox and diff ratios are?, and if they are universal with my 1995 gsr evo III lancer setup as my evo 3 gearbox's 3rd,4th and 5th gears syncros seem to be almost shot from the  previous owner (honest, wasn't me)

New zealand Needing a head e38a e39a 6 bolt block

11 October 2015 - 09:35 AM

Hi, Is there anyone in new zealand?, north island would be awesome,


I'm after a complete or near complete evo head or vr4 head, (running condition) to install on a vr4 6 bolt block.


Got cash



rvr 4g63t engine transplant to cb lancer

03 October 2015 - 11:37 AM

Hey guys, I want to know how complex it is to swap a 4g63t engine over into a 1993-1995 manual fuel injected cb lancer.


 I scored a 1996-1997 model rvr sports gear with a running 7bolt 4g63t engine in it complete with td04hl, Cons; The gearbox is stuffed (massive hole on the side) and the car itself is not road registered anymore, 


I want to transplant everything thats compatible from the Rvr over to my front wheel drive cb lancer which has already upgraded rear brake discs.



Do any plugs need to be changed on the factory lancer loom to suit the rvr 4g63t? engine mounts ?

Need the all clear before I put this head in my evo 1

21 July 2015 - 01:40 PM

Hey guys , just after some wisedom/guidance/info


I bought an evo3 head, looks like its been sitting for a while but its been plained and two new valves installed


I took it to a mechanic yesterday to have a quick check, the mechanic thought that it all looks okay except for one couple of things.


some of the lifters are quite solid. So I'm not sure if once I've got the head on the car and I've turned it over to get oil pressure maybe the lifters will free up with the first lot of rotations once the engines running?


one would assume that if its had work done to it ,whoever was working on it would have replaced any bad lifters?




heres a video 




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evo 1 central locking not working (no alarm installed)

17 June 2015 - 03:22 PM

Hey guys, a pretty nub question, But Im about to try and fix why my central locking which has never worked in my time of owning the evo 1 lancer


Any ideas what is causing this and where I should check first before I start ripping into it?

