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Member Since 23 Jun 2015
Offline Last Active Sep 16 2015 11:15 PM

Newb says hello!

23 June 2015 - 03:50 AM

Hi all,


New member to the forum from Vic. Purchased a TME in Jan this year after hankering for one for ages.  Was looking for a bone stock one and finally found one in QLD with only an Exhaust, Pod and DBA disks/lines upgraded. Plan is to restore it to OEM specs but the mod bug is itching! Hope to get a CT later down the line to cure the mod bug and keep the TME stock. Long time Toyota fan and had a few KE's, a worked JZA100 (340KWATW) and still own a AE101 Levin.  

Bit about me, I work in finance, married with 2 little ones. Life long obsession with cars. Also into gaming (wow from vanilla to date..), IT and tech, Music, movies and home theatre stuff, head-fi, R/C. Hope to get some good intel from you guys on all things evo.