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Member Since 29 Jun 2015
Offline Last Active Aug 11 2015 09:26 AM

Tuning meek E3 chip

12 July 2015 - 09:16 AM

Can anyone in brisbane tune an ecu chip? Preferably dyno tune. Can't seem to find any info


My second E3 gsr.

10 July 2015 - 07:29 AM

This is my new ride. I bought it with a cracked Ringland on number 1 and a melted second piston. Took me a week and 3000 later I have got her running again on race bearings and forged internals. It has a built head from the previous owner with bc titanium retainers and springs and by the looks 272 degree cams possibly 280. Has crazy overlap.
full evo 3 conversion including cluster. Brakes. Abs and intercooler.
Ill be continuing to make it better and cleaner.
I have an E3 bonnet coming this week and it also has a set of k sport adjustable with a separate gas cylinder.
Running 7.5 inch 18s (tight fit lol)
Full 3 inch exhaust
td05 16g (soon to be a td06)
pink 560cc injectors and I'm pretty sure it has a meek chip otherwise the thing wouldn't start so.
if anyone knows more about the origin and can share some info that would be good
