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Member Since 11 Oct 2006
Offline Last Active Sep 21 2016 12:37 PM

#273853 Holset HX35W Turbo Setup + 3" Exhaust

Posted by vr423q on 27 March 2013 - 08:36 AM

Hey Guys,

Bought this turbo setup a few months back but have since decided to go in a different direction. Never got to throw it on either unfortunately. Details include:

Item: Holset HX35W Turbo Setup

Item Condition: Good condition with minimal shaft play if any.

Price: $750

Extra Info:Turbo is a 7 blade with the .55 BEP dsm rear housing. Includes Turbo, Tial 44mm MVR Wastegate, 3" Dump pipe, oil lines, gasket set, 4" intake pipe.
Turbo is a straight bolt-on to stock mani since comes with the BEP rear housing. Heaps of guys from the states have produced some impressive numbers from this turbo as can be seen on the US dsm forums. Apparently spools close to a 16G and pulls like a gt35.


Preferred Contact Method: Via PM or on 0432711398. Pick up or post available. Will post at buyers expense.

Pictures:Posted Image

PLUS MORE PICS HERE: http://s151.photobuc...ry/HX35W?page=1


#247561 EOI: Stripping Complete GSR

Posted by vr423q on 29 December 2011 - 09:43 AM

Hey Chris,

Yeh, I'm spewing mate. I was hoping to get all the parts on the car and have some fun with it however with no licence I cant do much, well for the mean time anyway. I initially was going to get it running and sell it whole, however cant justify spending money on it to get it back on the road only to then sell it and lose out even more, that's life I suppose. You got another GSR yet or still on the rotors?
