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Member Since 09 Sep 2015
Offline Last Active Oct 04 2015 04:04 PM

4g69 auto to manual conversion

02 October 2015 - 05:24 PM

Hey guys, gonna swap out the auto trans on my 06 4g69 lancer for a 5 speed manual. Need some advice on a few things. Firstly, parts required; so far I know I'll need the following:

Manual Trans

Left trans mount

rear mount

brake/clutch pedal assembly,

clutch master/slave/lines


clutch kit

instrument cluster

engine harness (maybe dash harness too)

ecu w/ key and barrell from same car

new flywheel bolts

shifter assembly

centre console

shifter linkages

new snap rings for drive shafts, though the auto and manual drive shafts are the same so they're reusable.


Is there anything I'm missing/it would be good to have?


Secondly, wiring. Electricals are not my strong suit. I think it's generally necessary to wire something up to get the reverse lights to work, and to bypass the neutral safety switch (or is this only required when keeping the auto ecu/engine harness?) is there anything I need to do like that if i'm putting in the manual ecu?


Thirdly, cruise control. Will it work after the swap?


Thanks guys

New member from Brisbane

21 September 2015 - 01:30 AM

Hey Guys,


Been reading through the forums for a few weeks now, but only just now making an intro. How rude of me.


My car at the moment is a modest 06' Lancer w/ 2.4L 4g69. Doesn't seem to be a tuner favourite, but I bought the car a few months ago during hard times, and it was in such good nic mechanically and such a good price. I love the car to bits, despite the horrible auto tranny inside of it. (for which I am in the planning stages of treating it to a way more fun 5sp manual).


My plans for it are a big vague at the moment. Most importantly it's a daily driver, and I'm not the kind of guy who's all about kilowatts, so performance wise it won't recieve a great deal of treatment, but I do like a car that feels like it's on rails, so some nice tyres and maybe wheels, plus some coilovers and some minor brake upgrades are definitely going to happen.


I'm fairly mechanically savvy having been fixing and working on my own cars for several years now, but this is to be the first time I ever really do anything on a car in the way of upgrades/modifications. In some ways it's going to be a learn-as-I-go project, and asside from my plans for the car mechanically I'd like to do a few more things to it in future that I've never done before like respraying it, window tint and some other aesthetic stuff.


So that's enough about me and the car. As I said, currently planning and acquring parts for the trans conversion. I've swapped an auto trans once, but never done a conversion, so I want to be absolutely sure that I've got what I need before taking it on. Will update you guys when finished!

