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Member Since 06 Oct 2015
Offline Last Active Mar 14 2017 06:24 AM

In Topic: Pepsimus' 97 RVR HSGR

23 June 2016 - 10:37 PM

Not the best pic but the front mount is a bit big .. Anyone wanna swap? HahaAttached File  image.jpg   187.17KB   80 downloads

In Topic: Pepsimus' 97 RVR HSGR

23 June 2016 - 10:36 PM

Turbo seal let go back in February and RVR is nearly back on the road. Upgrades include

Fmic & piping
Td05 16g
Evo 3 dump
2.5" exhaust - soon
Manual HSGR ecu
Penrite 10tenths racing oil.
Bpr6es plugs

I guess that's really about it, saving up for wideband & I have to register it again too.

Seems to be driving okay, only had 2 drives, was scared tho lol. Need a wideband tho to know if I'm safe. Holds boost 12-13psi steadily.

Just need to dump oil & check plugs. Think I blew main fuse too as I have no electrics

Then dyno run and check over hopefully by Profile Autosports.

In Topic: International Facebook Presence

07 April 2016 - 05:53 AM

Surprisingly I'm on this group also haha, AWD_Army member.

In Topic: Pepsimus' 97 RVR HSGR

15 March 2016 - 08:07 PM

Lol haven't updated because I don't rip camry's yet, however turbo seal let go on rvr so going big16g route, just wondering if anyone has some supporting mods that they think will benefit my build.. Better safe than sorry

In Topic: Pepsimus' 97 RVR HSGR

27 December 2015 - 11:37 AM

I can out drive a lot of fools so no stress about that. Talking to 4g63 shop in us they're putting together rebuild kit going forged