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Member Since 06 Oct 2015
Offline Last Active Mar 14 2017 06:24 AM

#326086 Pepsimus' 97 RVR HSGR

Posted by Pepsimus on 27 December 2015 - 11:37 AM

I can out drive a lot of fools so no stress about that. Talking to 4g63 shop in us they're putting together rebuild kit going forged

#324777 Pepsimus' 97 RVR HSGR

Posted by Pepsimus on 22 November 2015 - 08:37 AM

Just some eye candy


#324774 Pepsimus' 97 RVR HSGR

Posted by Pepsimus on 22 November 2015 - 05:04 AM

Anybody want to buy drugs to support my car habit

#324703 Pepsimus' 97 RVR HSGR

Posted by Pepsimus on 18 November 2015 - 05:05 PM

Made up a backstory so it didn't involve my mates and she didn't care one bit... I asked why and she said " Caus I'm not the one fixing it " well played...

#324145 Pepsimus' 97 RVR HSGR

Posted by Pepsimus on 04 November 2015 - 05:20 AM

Not as easy as this or that, but heres a chart which it compares most bits,


Cheers boss.

Well finally have myself a new fmic, nothing crazy like plazmaman etc. but can flow 500hp so that'll do me :) image.jpg

#323657 Pepsimus' 97 RVR HSGR

Posted by Pepsimus on 23 October 2015 - 02:38 AM

For ya first time wiring, just go behind the centre console, use the accessory wire from the ciggy lighter and wire the illumination to the light bulb
ring terminal on the earth wire an attach to the body.

Cheers boss gonna give that a go, sounds a lot simpler from a novice perspective.

As ya knowledge an skill grows so will the quality an detail of your installs, my first install was done as above, now everything takes power (switched and constant) from the factory fuse box on their own fuses,

Kind of what I want to end up knowing, want to be an all rounder so I can continue to build my own cars, not have a workshop building them

#323116 Pepsimus' 97 RVR HSGR

Posted by Pepsimus on 09 October 2015 - 04:01 PM

Apparently the autos can be done up quite well, cant speak from experience yet but you'll see my updates when I get it done an I'll be honest in my comparisons.

Will be sure to keep track of progress for sure!

theres a member on here who writes chips for the early ecu's too, or later evo ecu swap is easy too, beauty was they were so cheap but theyre getting harder to find for a decent price.

Yeah was thinking of going evo 7 ecu. But I really threw myself in the deep end with this car, no knowledge of 4g's or anything like that. But took a chance so hopefully I'll be able to stalk the interwebs and find something. Everyone in the forum is so helpful, I love it haha

#323049 Pepsimus' 97 RVR HSGR

Posted by Pepsimus on 07 October 2015 - 08:10 AM

Some goodies I picked up today

#323024 Pepsimus' 97 RVR HSGR

Posted by Pepsimus on 06 October 2015 - 03:41 PM

Here's a few pics snapped up, some nice poke and just a general view of the carimage.jpg image.jpg image.jpg

#323023 Pepsimus' 97 RVR HSGR

Posted by Pepsimus on 06 October 2015 - 03:38 PM

Hi guys new to the community, just scored myself a fairly decent HSGR for $2800 on some 17" Lenso D1 wheels. Really love the car and looking forward to modifying into the ultimate sleeper haha, any info for tuning etc would be great as well as parts blah blah, wasn't too sure how to go about this as it's a first post for me in any forum.. Hooray? I dunno but yeah I'm south brisbane based and always looking for new rvr buddies and parts :)