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Member Since 17 Oct 2015
Offline Last Active Feb 02 2016 11:04 AM

In Topic: 4G63Tevo1 into 89 Mirage C53A

13 January 2016 - 09:33 PM

this is what iv been waiting.. :)
Mr Cyborg Evolution...

In Topic: 4G63Tevo1 into 89 Mirage C53A

27 December 2015 - 11:51 AM


im pretty sure the last owner got the engine from a front cut evo1 rs.. everything is virgin stock

In Topic: 4G63Tevo1 into 89 Mirage C53A

17 December 2015 - 02:38 PM

original mounts from the mirage or the evos..? [emoji5] [emoji5]
i also got an E1 RS lsd gbox locked to 2wd lol.

In Topic: evo 1 no boost

15 December 2015 - 11:25 AM

sir.. yes sir..!!!
you're right.. rather than buying a new one..
iv heard about this before.. but some peps call it a myth..
every rotating parts need a balance..
heck..what do i know..
im not worthy.. [emoji119]

[emoji4] [emoji5] there goes my xmas.. huhuh

In Topic: evo 1 no boost

15 December 2015 - 08:41 AM

haha.. seriously funny guys.. but do i really need to balance the turbo... and theres a guy here offering me 18g wheel.. do they fit.? plug n play..?
and yes sir.. my compressor housing is flooded with oil.
too bad... too bad.. [emoji25] [emoji25]